
作者:总管理员 日期:2021-09-18 浏览:
已知的海牙成员国有:阿尔巴尼亚、德国、阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、白俄罗斯、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、中国(只限香港.澳门)、塞浦路斯、哥斯达黎加、哥伦比亚、韩国、克罗地亚、丹麦、厄瓜多尔、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、美国、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、格鲁吉亚、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、印度、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、拉脱维亚 、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、毛里求斯、墨西哥、摩纳哥、黑山、尼加拉瓜、挪威、新西兰、荷兰、巴拿马、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄牙、英国、捷克共和国、多明尼加共和国、马其顿共和国;罗马尼亚、俄罗斯、塞尔维亚、南非、苏里南、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其、乌克兰、乌拉圭、委内瑞拉、安道尔、安提瓜和巴布达、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、巴哈马、巴巴多斯、伯利兹、博茨瓦纳、巴西、文莱、佛得角、加拿大、多米尼加、萨尔瓦多、斐济、格拉纳达、洪都拉斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、莱索托、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马拉维、库克群岛、马绍尔群岛、摩尔多瓦、蒙古、纳米比亚、纽埃、阿曼、波多黎各、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、萨摩亚、圣马力诺、圣多美和普林西比 、塞舌尔、斯威士兰、汤加、特立尼达和多巴哥、瓦努阿图。

Hague certification process:
The so-called Hague certification is also called international notarization, which is called apostille certification in English. It refers to the Hague Convention on canceling the certification requirements of foreign official documents. It is a specific certification of the behavior process and result of mutual recognition between the signatory countries in the Hague, which is confirmed by a specific official organization to confirm the authenticity of the signature and seal made by its competent department on its certified official documents. This kind of certification, commonly referred to as "Hague certification", is mainly used for instruments in Hague member states or regions, so that documents issued by Hague member states can be recognized and effectively used in other Hague member states.
Why apply for Hague certification
With the expansion of Global trade on a global scale, there are frequent exchanges of various instruments between countries. When an instrument of one country is used in another country, the government of another country cannot confirm the authenticity of the instrument, so it is necessary to apply for Hague certification or consular certification to recognize its legal effect.
Hague authentication and consular authentication are both authentication systems for the exchange of documents at home and abroad, and both authentication are only the authentication of the signature of the sender of the document, not the authentication of the content of the document. However, the certification time of the consulate is usually about 2 weeks, which is a long time. The Hague certification omits the steps of Consulate certification, makes the certification process more concise, improves the certification speed and saves the applicant's time.
Scope of Hague certification documents
Personal documents: marriage certificate certification; Birth certificate certification; adopt; foster; relationship; Work experience; Authentication of power of attorney; Declaration; Green card certification; Passport certification; invitation; No criminal record; property ownership certificate; school report; Academic certificate; Professional qualification certificate; Medical certificates can be certified;
Business documents: business license; Legal personality; agreement; contract; Authentication of power of attorney; Declaration; certificate; Letter of appointment; Trademark certificate; Proof of assets; Credit certificate; Director information; Shareholder information; Articles of Association; Meeting minutes and other company documents, etc
Which countries can apply for Hague certification
Known Hague member states: Albania, Germany, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China (Hong Kong and Macao only), Cyprus, Costa Rica, Colombia, South Korea, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, the United States Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic Dominican Republic, Republic of Macedonia; Romania, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Babado J, Belize, Botswana, Botswana, Brunei, Cape Verde, Canada, Botswana, Salvatore, Fiji, Granada, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Cook islands, Marshall Islands, Moldova, Mongolia, Namibia, Nei, Oman, Puerto Rico, Saint Kate and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Nevin Nevin, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe. Seychelles, Swaziland, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Vanuatu.
Are there regional restrictions on documents certified by the Hague
Those who have joined the Hague member states have accepted the Hague certification, and some who have not joined the Hague member states have recognized the Hague certification.
How to apply for Hague certification
Data preparation: one original of certification document and relevant supporting documents of the company. After the documents are ready, they will be sent to our company. Our company will arrange personnel to go to Hong Kong to entrust local international notarial lawyers to notarize the documents, issue a notarial certificate, bind it together with the attachments, and sign and seal on the notarial certificate. Then send the notarized documents to the Hong Kong High People's court for countersignature and authentication.
Price and cost of handling Hague certification
The fee for Hague certification is not certain. It varies greatly according to different documents and countries, including: lawyer fees of international notaries, fees of Hong Kong High Court, express fees and agency fees. Please contact customer service for specific fees.
Time for Hague certification
The processing cycle of Hague countersignature is also different in different countries or regions. The processing time in Hong Kong, China is about 3-5 working days, and that in other countries or regions is between 3-15 working days.




